Welcome to the website for the Wychwood Lodge here in beautiful Burford.
Masons have been meeting here on Sheep Street since 1892 and if you live or work in the local area and think you may like to become a Freemason please feel free to browse this website. We think it provides some valuable information. If you want to know more or you would like to join us please use the Join us page to enquire about membership. We look forward to meeting you soon.
If you are already a Mason, please contact our secretary and join us at one of our meetings. You will, as always, be greeted well and will receive that legendary warm Wychwood welcome.
A quest for knowledge. Not only about the mysteries of Freemasonry but also about yourself.
Mix with people of different ages, races and religions from different walks of life
There is nothing in life quite like Freemasonry.
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